Have you ever had a relaxing Sunday with your cat cuddling up next to you? You think to yourself, “if this is how cat shows affection, I’m here for it”... Then, suddenly they drop a mouse in your lap.
Naturally, you freak the heck out and jump right out of your seat! Now you’re furious, and your cat isn’t happy either. There goes your peaceful afternoon right down the drain. That idea of your cat showing affection? Gone. Is this really how cat say I love you?!
Here’s the thing: this may be far from your love language, but in fact, this is how a cat shows affection. Understanding cats meows is serious business, and at times, it can get a little messy.
If you’re looking to learn more about cat body language and all the weird and wonderful ways cats say “I love you”, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll share with you five different ways your cat shows affection.
Look, we’re not saying you have to be fur-luent, but if you do want to scrub up on understanding cats meows, read our post here. In the meantime, here are a few ways cats show their love.
1. They Will Bring You Gifts
Let’s begin this list of ways that your cat shows affection with the most unpleasant of them all. The gifts. No, your cat didn’t take a drive to the mall to buy you those shoes you’ve been wanting. Instead, she went on a hunt and brought you the little animals she caught.
Although you may not want a mouse falling into your lap every other day, this is a sign of trust and love from your cat. Think of it as a token of their affection!
2. They Will Give You Love Bites
Second on the list of how your cat shows affection can be a small pain in the bum (or hand). Love bites!
These little nibbles often come up when your cat is feeling particularly playful. By showing their playful side, they’re actually demonstrating that they trust you. That cheeky bite? That’s just a sign that your cat is comfortable with you and she isn’t shy to show it.
So, the next time you find yourself playing with your cat, and she goes in for a nibble, don’t be alarmed. It's all part of the purrfect pawrent package!
3. They Will Give You Head Bumps and Cheek Rubs
As a cat owner, you will know precisely what we mean by head bumps and cheek rubs. You don’t? You may want to schedule some TLC time for you and your cat.
Head bumps and cheek rubs are the best examples of your cat showing affection. We love those and honestly, we don’t think anybody could ever get enough of it.
4. They Will Purr
Usually, you’ll hear your cat purring when they’re relaxing. That’s exactly why you’ll notice that fur-miliar hum when petting your cat. You may even hear it when your cat is giving you those pawsome head bumps and cheek rubs.
Why is your cat purring when they're affectionate with you? They’re purring because they’re enjoying it and it’s their way of expressing it. Come on, who wouldn’t let out a sigh of comfort with the occasional head rub? There’s nothing like it!
5. They Will Groom You
Have you ever felt a cat’s tongue? It’s super rough, right? This is because a cat’s tongue is covered in little “spines”. We know this might not be the kind of thing you want all over your face, but it is a sure way that your cat is saying “I love you”.
When it comes to how a cat shows affection, cat grooming is a common sign. This is a pretty regular feature in the animal kingdom. Monkeys eating bugs from the other’s hair? Same thing!
So, if ever you notice your cat grooming and licking you all over, know that your cat loves you!
Now that we know how cat say “I love you”, we hope you were able to spot a few signs that were furmiliar.
Yes, the occasional mouse in your lap or scars from your cat’s love bites may be a bit unpleasant, but at least we can take comfort in knowing our feline fur-ends care.
Didn’t spot anything that speaks to your furmily? Make sure to schedule some cuddle time asap! If you treat your cat with love and affection, your cat will most likely show you care right back in return. If not, you may want to check in with a behaviorist just in case.
When in doubt, a homemade cat treat is always a good way to get into your cat’s good books! As important as it is to get a thorough understanding of cat body language, we need to do our part too in showing our pets we care. Don't forget to help your kitty at home with these tips on how to keep baby out of the litter box.