By: Door Buddy Editors | Published: 5 August, 2024

If you are struggling with a dog eating cat food (much to your cat’s disdain), you’ve come to the right place! It turns out a dog eating cat food is more common than you think.
Not only do our dogs put on weight when they tuck into the kitty kibble due to its higher fat content, but it also means the cat food runs out much faster. As “pawrents” ourselves, we understand why you want to find the “purrrfect” way to dog proof cat feeders.
Where do you begin looking for dog proof cat feeding station ideas? Do you need a cat door as a dog door stopper, or is there a no cut cat door option? Why do dogs eat cat food anyway? Here are 6 ways you can make a dog proof cat feeder.
Before we jump into our ideas for dog proof cat feeders, we want to answer that all-important question; can dogs eat cat food? Technically speaking, we know they can because they do, but is cat food bad for dogs? American Kennel Club has the following to say about this subject:
Dogs can’t survive on cat food alone because it has not been formulated to meet their nutritional needs.
Eating cat food occasionally may lead to nothing more than diarrhea and vomiting in dogs; however, this can vary from dog to dog.
Signs of intestinal discomfort after eating the cat’s food are a major red flag, and it is best to call your vet.
Generally, cat food is much higher in meat-based protein content than dog food. This attracts our dogs to it since that yummy meat flavor and smell are so strong and appealing. Starting to understand why dogs eat cat food? We bet you’re also beginning to understand the need to find a door blocker for dogs to keep them out of the cat’s space!

Regarding dog-proof cat feeding station ideas, we’ve got some “pawsome” ones to help “pawrents” find the most suitable solution. Whether your fur babies are great “fur-ends” and your cat doesn’t mind sharing, or quite the opposite, these dog proof cat feeding station ideas are sure to help keep your kitty kibble bill and your dog’s weight down.
1. Use a Felines Only Cat Bowl
As far as a dog proof cat feeder goes, this is as close to the actual thing as you will get. These bowls have been designed to prevent dogs (if bigger than cats) from being able to access food and water.
This cat dish from Felines Only is a “purrrfect” option for a dog proof cat feeder if your dogs are larger than your kitty. You can use it for both wet and dry food, as well as water.

2. Put your Cat’s Food Up High
If your cat is happy and can jump onto a counter, you can try elevating their food bowls somewhere the dog can’t reach. This is straightforward dog proof cat feeding.
If you have an older kitty or one who doesn’t enjoy jumping up, you might run into “paw-blems”. Plus, bigger dogs can easily jump their paws on the counter and get what they want. Here’s where a door blocker for dogs might work better.
3. Install A Pet Or Baby Gate
Installing a pet or baby gate at the entrance to the room with your cat’s food inside is another way to keep your dog out.
However, this does come with its own set of troubles. For starters, bigger dogs can be persistent and knock it over, and older cats may struggle to jump over it (unless it contains a kitty door). Plus, it’s a considerable investment from your pocketbook.

4. Invest In An Automatic Cat Feeder
If you love tech and have a little extra to spend on your "fur-babies", investing in an automatic cat feeder is one way to make your cat feeder dog proof.
SureFeed’s Microchip Pet Feeder uses your cat’s Microchip ID or lightweight RFID collar tag to communicate with the feeder and open the lid for that specific kitty. When your cat is not eating, the lid closes and seals. This is a super clever way to make your cat feeder dog proof.
5. Use A Cat Flap For Interior Doors
While a little more permanent, a cat flap for interior doors can effectively keep the dog away from the cat’s food. The flap will allow your cat easy access to the room with their food while keeping your dog out (provided it can’t fit through the flap itself).
While effective, installing a cat flap for interior doors requires cutting a hole in your door. If you want a no cut cat door, this isn’t the option for you.

6. Use A Door Buddy Door Latch or Cat Door Prop for the Cat’s Feeding Room
Keeping your kitty’s feeding space off limits is another effective, simple method of dog proof cat feeding. This is where Door Buddy comes in.
The Door Buddy keeps the door to your cat’s feeding room open wide enough for only your cat to go through but narrow enough to keep your dog out. Our adjustable door latch combined with our cat door stopper or our cat door prop are “purrrfect” to create dog proof feeding stations. No drilling or messing with your doors here, this is the perfect no cut cat door. If you’re worried about pinched tails and closed doors, the cat door strap combo includes a foam door stopper that prevents accidents.

On the other hand, our cat door prop installs easily to your existing door strike plate for a more sturdy, secure solution. With so many options to create dog proof cat feeders, it can be hard to choose just one. We might be biased, but we believe that Door Buddy door latch and cat door prop are the “purrrfect” solution for all “furmilies”. We’ll tell you why.
Door Buddy offers:
An adjustable door latch that works on most door types, including your bi-fold, sliding, and double doors.
A cat door prop that installs easily to your door's strike plate for a sturdier solution.
A cat door alternative that installs without any cutting or drilling, which is ideal if you are renting or don’t want to damage your walls or doors.
Is easily moveable and can be transferred to different rooms in your home should you need to change locations; it’s also easily removable.
A pet door latch that is not only great for creating a dog proof cat feeder but also works well to keep the dog out of the cat’s litter box.
Armed with all the information you need, you’re ready to make a call on creating the best dog proof cat feeders for your pets.
Whether it’s moving your cat’s food to the counter or going the more high-tech route and getting an automatic cat feeder, we have no doubt that your cat will thank you.