By: Door Buddy Editors | Published: 25 November 2024
Sharing your love with both a cat and a dog is a wonderful thing. There’s nothing quite like seeing your two favorite pals get along… until your doggo gets into the litter box! As you've probably guessed, cat litter is definitely not a healthy snack for dogs.
If you live in a multi-pet household, you already know that this has its own challenges. Most often, it’s the trouble of keeping your dog away from cat poop! Sadly, we don’t know of a 100% dog-proof litter box (yet!), and there’s no dog-friendly litter that’s safe to munch on, either. If you’re looking for some great litter box options, check out our blog on the best litter boxes for your home.
Dogs raiding the kitty litter is a problem “fur-parents” have faced for ages and there are many reasons behind it! The truth is, your dog likes to sample the delights of the kitty litter box because it smells like cat food. Dogs are natural scavengers, always eager for an extra snack. So, if you’re wondering how to keep your dog out the litter box, rest assured, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, this isn’t just an annoyance for you - it can seriously upset your feline friend!
So, you might be asking, is cat poop dangerous for dogs? Luckily, having a dog that can’t resist the litter box is mostly harmless and can be easily managed. However, if left unsolved, the dangers of a dirty litter box include potential parasitic infections called toxoplasmosis that can be harmful to both your pets and yourself.
Not to mention the unpleasant surprise of a sloppy lick after a sneaky snack! You can read the full story on why do dogs eat cat poop here.
So, can you litter train a dog? Yes, but in our opinion, it's best to train your puppy to avoid the litter box as early as possible. Here’s the good news: there are several ways to dog-proof your litter box! For tips on how to keep dog out of litter box, read on. Finding the right solution will help maintain a happy, harmonious household while keeping stress levels to a minimum.
Signs and Symptoms If Your Dog Has Eaten Cat Poop
Upset Stomach or Vomiting
Excessive Drooling
Bad Breath
Signs of Infection
Behavioral Changes
My Dog Eats Cat Poop, Help! When it comes to how to keep dog out of cat box, you have a few options. Before you go hunting for a magical spray to keep your dog out of the litter box or splurge on dog-proof litter box furniture, take a look at some easy solutions!

1. Install A Pet Gate
If your cat’s litter is in a dedicated room that you rarely enter, using a pet gate is one way to keep the dog out of the litter box. However, it can be fairly costly and complicated to install - not to mention the hassle of figuring out how it works!
A pet gate can be a great option for families willing to put in the effort. If the kitty litter is in a room that you frequently access, you might just get the workout you’ve been looking for with all the extra trips back and forth!
Another downside to using a pet gate for dog proofing is the added challenge of opening it when your hands are full or waiting for your cat’s meow when it's time for them to do their business.
Lastly, many people tend to forget that bigger dogs can easily jump over the gate. It happens more than you’d think! Luckily, there are a few pet gate alternatives that can save you the trouble.
2. Consider An Enclosed Cat Litter Box
An enclosed cat litter box might look and smell more pleasing, but that doesn’t mean it is always a cat-friendly solution - and certainly does not make for a dog-proof litter box.
All cats are different, but many cat lovers know that confined spaces can make their kitty feel uncomfortable or even stressed. Have you ever wondered why cats hate closed doors? Our fickle friends prefer an easy entry and exit when it comes to their bathroom habits.
Aside from limiting your kitty’s space, an enclosed cat litter box might not solve the problem for all dog owners. While bigger dogs may be stopped in their tracks, it’s the smaller dogs that you have to keep your eye on! Smaller dogs won’t be stopped from sampling the contents of a closed litter box and can easily pop their heads or tongues in for a quick rummage.
As mentioned earlier, a cover does not make for a dog-proof cat litter tray! In terms of cat box solutions, this one will depend on your kitty! You can also consider an automatic litter box or a self-cleaning litter box in these instances.
3. Try Dog Training Techniques
Dog-proofing the litter box can be as easy as teaching your dog to ‘stop it’ or ‘leave it.’ These commands can be a great help in “purrfecting” your dog’s behavior and stopping the chaos - at least until dog proof litter boxes exist!
Before you start dog training, make sure you’re well-stocked up on treats! Rewarding good behavior will help reinforce the commands and show your pooch that this is how they should act.
When teaching commands, keep an eye on your dog. As they approach the litter box, stop them in their tracks with a 'stop it' or 'leave it'.
If they obey, reward them immediately. If not, repeat the command louder until they get the idea. Soon enough, they should pick up on your intentions and start following suit. It's a lot to remember, but the good news is that we have free resources to help guide you through it.
On the downside, this can take days, even weeks to get it right. On top of this, it doesn't guarantee that your dog won't get into the litter box when you're not around. Any updates on those dog-proof litter boxes yet?!
4. Visit The Vet
Did you know that one of the main reasons why dogs eat cat poop is due to a nutrient deficiency? Despite the ick factor, this can be a good indicator that a trip to the vet is needed, especially since cat litter isn’t healthy for dogs.
A full health check with your vet can help you identify any deficiencies and guide you in adjusting your dog’s diet. Paying attention to pet nutrition is crucial, and with a little effort and care, finding the right balance of food and supplements should help curb their unusual snacking habits.
5. Keep The Cat Boxes Clean
One sure way for solving how to keep dog out of litter box is frequent cleaning! Without any tootsie rolls to snack on, your dog won't have the need to indulge. Kind of like when we're on a diet, right? No chocolate stashes = no sweet treats! Although the “hooman” diet does seem more palatable than the forbidden kitty “Roca”!
As soon as your cat finishes its business, try swooping in as soon as possible. The less time between pooping and cleaning, the better! This will reduce the chance of your pooch sniffing out the treasure.
This seems like a simple enough solution unless you're not home all day! Let's be real - watching your cat's toilet routine isn't on most of our to-do lists. That being said, schedule a few checks throughout your day. Before you know it, it’ll become part of your routine.

6. Place your Best Kitty Litter Box Out of Bounds
Another simple solution for giving your cat their space and privacy is making sure the litter box is out of reach. Sometimes, the best way to keep dogs out the litter box is to make sure your doggo can’t find it! If your dog has easy access to the forbidden goods, you better believe they'll take full advantage!
Many people place their cat's belongings in a separate room with the door closed. This is an effective way to ensure cat litter for dogs does not become a regular delicacy! However, what about your cat?
It's no secret that cats hate closed doors. You may have heard their desperate meows a few times when they are locked up! This will be something where you have to weigh up your pros and cons. On the one hand, the dog is kept out, but on the other, your cat is left with anxiety and stress. Plus, the hassle of constantly getting up to let your cat in and out!

7. Snap On A Door Buddy Door Latch Or Door Prop
It’s true that pet gates and covered kitty litter boxes are some of the more popular answers to dog-proofing, but have you considered an even easier solution?
Using a simple and affordable latch is a quick and convenient solution for how to keep dog out of litter box. It also allows owners to go about their day undisturbed by frequent meows or litter box scuffles.
A pet door latch provides your cat with everything they need while keeping your dog out. Unlike the covered litter box, your cat has the freedom to roam in and out of rooms, with the latch being adjusted to suit the right width of your “puurfect” pet.
What’s even better is that with a Door Buddy latch, you can adjust the width to suit both your cat and dog. This means that while your cat has easy access to their litter boxes, your doggo can’t jump over or paw through any gaps! Say goodbye to the mess and frustrated cats! You can easily create your very own DIY dog-proof cat litter box.
Imagine the convenience of skipping cumbersome baby gates or struggling with dog training commands!
Door Buddy does the hard work for you. It’s a must for all “fur-milies” with cats, dogs, and even toddlers who can’t seem to get enough of the litter box - ensuring both cats and toddlers get along without any unwanted messes!
If you're worried about pinched fingers, we hear you. An adjustable door strap and slammed doors can be a terror on their own! That’s why our foam door stopper is the “purrfect” solution - it prevents doors from slamming and keeps fingers and tails safe.

Not convinced? Take a look at our 25,000 5-star reviews below. Door Buddy has become a fan favorite for thousands of pet owners, and we hope it becomes a staple in your home, too!
If you've gotten to the end of our tips on how to keep my dog out of the litter box and you're wondering how your little chihuahua or miniature poodle will do, we've got you covered.
You can figure out how to keep small dog out of the litter box by reading this article. These tips can also help if you’re dealing with how to keep puppy out of litter box.
FUN FACT: Can you use cat litter for dogs? Yes, but only if you properly train your small dog to use it. However, we prefer to keep litter boxes for cats only.
As “pawrents,” it’s only normal that you’d want the best for your fur babies - both as “hooman” parents and furbaby parents. Who would have thought that one of the biggest challenges of raising cats and dogs would be keeping the dog out the litter box. Finding the right dog-proofing solution for your household is the key to keeping a happy and healthy home for all! And if you need to keep a baby out of the litter box, Door Buddy works for that, too.
For more “pawsome” pet information, such as our top cat training tips, keep reading our blog!
Figuring out how to keep your dog out of the litter box is essential for maintaining a clean and peaceful home. Whether you go with an easy fix like the Door Buddy latch, a covered litter box, or some good old-fashioned training, the trick is finding what works best for your home. With the right plan in place, you can keep your dog away from the litter while giving your cat all the freedom they need. The perfect solution will depend on your pets' personalities and the layout of your home.